
Reflections on Studying the Past – Meddyliau ar Astudio’r Gorffennol

** Unfortunately, due to very poor weather conditions forecast for tomorrow Saturday 2nd October, our Community event has been cancelled.

We hope to rearrange something for next Spring.**

Please join us for a creative and activity-filled morning at the Hafod-Morfa Copperworks on Saturday 2nd October 10am-1pm.

We are working in partnership with People Speak Up and a range of artists to offer free, drop-in activities for you and your family as you walk around the site: Storytelling walk with Phil Okwedy, Sharing your Stories with Rufus Mufasa, Recording your Stories with David Pitt, Art with Bill Taylor-Beales, Raku with Esther Ley and Willow-weaving with Rachael Barry.

Archaeologist, TV presenter and Swansea University Senior Lecturer Dr Alex Langlands will also be there with a range of finds from the recent digs at the Copperworks, along with the Friends of the Hafod-Morfa Copperworks who run regular tours around the site.  

You can meet our brilliant team of historians and heritage professionals from CHART, Swansea University’s new Centre for Heritage Research and Training. 

Pop down for an hour or stay all morning, as you wish. The nearest parking facility is Landore Park and Ride across the road. The site is open to public access.  Please dress for the weather!

Please contact Dr Tracy Evans for further information tracy.evans@swansea.ac.uk 

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