
Reflections on Studying the Past – Meddyliau ar Astudio’r Gorffennol

CHART is the new centre for heritage research and training at Swansea University, based in the Department of History, Heritage and Classics. CHART brings people with enthusiasm, ideas, and expertise together to create opportunities within and beyond the university. With projects ranging from global cultural protection to Jewish heritage, and the Welsh steel industry, CHART highlights the importance of heritage for cultural identity and shows how cultural heritage can become a focus for regeneration, economic development, place-making and well-being. CHART’s activities encompass collaborative research, international policy development, a seminar series, workshops, education, digital innovation, heritage interpretation, consultancy and more.  

At this stage we’d love more people to get involved in helping to shape CHART.

If your work or interests intersect with heritage do sign up to CHART’s mailing list  https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=CHART-HERITAGE&A=1

At this point, we’re also inviting Swansea University staff and students to become Members of CHART. So what’s involved? By becoming a Member you will have a professional link to CHART in its capacity as a research centre, training provider and consultancy. CHART will work to support interdisciplinary dialogue and the creation of opportunities amongst members, and you will be able to give something back to us in return; it could be anything from leads for new projects; feedback on our activities; news updates for our website; blog posts, participation in our seminar series; and one-off support in marketing CHART through your contacts when the occasion arises. If you’re interested, please email chartcentre@Swansea.ac.uk.

We are also seeking 8 people drawn from the University’s staff and student community to form a Steering Group that will be tasked with providing advice on the strategic direction of CHART. We would like to ensure representation across all areas of the University, including students, early career, and established career members. There’s more information about the steering group role and how to apply here. The deadline is the 22 October for expressions of interest.

If you’d like to meet the CHART conveners, we’ll be holding a drop-in Zoom session on 6 October from 14:00-15:00. Do come along and say hello! Email  chartcentre@Swansea.ac.uk for the Zoom link

All best wishes from the CHART conveners

Professor David Turner d.m.turner@swansea.ac.uk Dr Hilary Orange hilary.orange@Swansea.ac.uk

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