
Reflections on Studying the Past – Meddyliau ar Astudio’r Gorffennol

Unless stated otherwise, all seminars take place on Wednesdays from 1.15 to 2.30 pm. 

Everyone is welcome!

26 October 2022: Ian Sanders (Host and Producer, Cold War Conversations Podcast), ‘Cold War Conversations Podcast’, CRAM-sponsored  

2 November 2022: Ciarán Wallace (Trinity College Dublin), ‘The Virtual Record Treasury of 

Ireland: Resourceful Commemoration?’, joint CRAM-, CHART-, MEMO-sponsored event 

30 November 2022: David Turner, ‘Disability and the Ageing Body in the Industrial Revolution’, joint event with the Centre for Innovative Ageing 

Please note that this session starts at 1pm and that there is a special Zoom link with registration for this event:  https://swanseauniversity.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_n3jsZ5AzRISLNE6VkCANiQ

7 December 2022: Sara Elin Roberts (MEMO), ‘“A rather laborious and harrassing occupation“: Aneurin Owen’s Impact on the Welsh Laws’, MEMO-sponsored  

Zoom link for all seminars (except 30 Nov.):  https://swanseauniversity.zoom.us/j/96795992599?pwd=SmNXeTNybW9QL29lL1FaT2pJcFhWUT09 (Meeting-ID: 967 9599 2599; Passcode: 818251) 

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