Mon, 11 July 2022
10:30 – 15:00 BST
Wallace Lecture Theatre, Swansea University (Singleton Campus) and on Zoom
10.30 Welcome, housekeeping and introduction (Sarah Crook)
10.40 Emily Sharp, ‘The collective memory of student activists: benefits and challenges of using oral histories to research student history’
11.55 Sam Blaxland, ‘Institutional histories and the student voice: Swansea and UCL’
11.10 Comfort break
11.25 Jay Rees, ‘Moving Beyond the Traditional: Capturing the Everyday in Student History’
11.40 Bertie Dockerill, ‘Student Debates in the pre-war period: challenges and opportunities for analysis’
11.55 Discussion and questions
1-2 Lunch
2-3 Historical campus tour with Dr Sam Blaxland (not available to those joining on Zoom)