
Reflections on Studying the Past – Meddyliau ar Astudio’r Gorffennol

The Swansea-Mannheim city partnership and German impressions of Swansea University over the years

In an earlier blogpost I sketched the history of the city partnership between Swansea and Mannheim (Baden-Württemberg, Germany), from its establishment in the 1950s. That blog focused in particular on the creation of a monument to the partnership, a miniature replica of the German city’s main landmark, which was erected in Swansea in 1985. Since…Continue Reading The Swansea-Mannheim city partnership and German impressions of Swansea University over the years

The Swansea-Mannheim City Partnership and the 1985 Mannheim Monument in Swansea’s Maritime Quarter

One of Swansea’s least well-known monuments stands in the city’s Maritime Quarter. Formerly the site of the docks that facilitated much of the industrial activity upon which Swansea thrived in the nineteenth century and first half of the twentieth, this quarter was redeveloped into a residential district in the 1970s and 80s. In the part…Continue Reading The Swansea-Mannheim City Partnership and the 1985 Mannheim Monument in Swansea’s Maritime Quarter