
Reflections on Studying the Past – Meddyliau ar Astudio’r Gorffennol

Researching the History and Heritage of Wales’s Small-Scale Fishing Industry

Katherine Watson – Wales has a long history of fishing. In South Wales this is clearer than anywhere else. Tenby was among the earliest and most noteworthy Welsh fishing ports in the 18th century. By the 19th century, Milford Haven, Swansea, and Cardiff were emerging as the largest trawling ports in Wales, with Milford becoming…Continue Reading Researching the History and Heritage of Wales’s Small-Scale Fishing Industry

Empowering Children to Take Ownership of their Own History Through Storytelling and Creative Heritage Practice

Hannah Nielsen – I have always had a fascination with history and storytelling. I was most fixated on the people of the past and their individual stories. After finishing my BA in History at Swansea University, I wanted to understand more practically what all this knowledge of the past means for us today and I…Continue Reading Empowering Children to Take Ownership of their Own History Through Storytelling and Creative Heritage Practice

History, Heritage and Classics Sandcastle Afternoon

As part of its welcome week activities, the department held a sandcastle and pizza event on the beach. Students from all years competed to show off their creative skills and produce a sandcastle inspired by their historical knowledge. Dominoes kindly agreed to deliver a very large order to the beach and the university paid for…Continue Reading History, Heritage and Classics Sandcastle Afternoon

Postgraduate Conference in Welsh Studies

Gynhadledd Astudiaethau Cymreig Canolfan Richard Burton Centre Dydd Mercher 25 Mai 2022 Wednesday 25 May 2022 Y Studio, Creu Taliesin, Campws Parc, Prifysgol Abertawe The Studio Taliesin Create, Park campus, Swansea University 2.00 Guinevere Clark – The Psychogeography of The Mumbles in Swansea through 3 Poems   2.30 Daniel Jones – Caliban’s Cultural Wounds: Language…Continue Reading Postgraduate Conference in Welsh Studies

The Symbolism of the White Poppy in Britain

The interwar period brought a wave of cultural change, and the white peace poppy was a fringe commemorative symbol that exemplified these changes. The white peace poppy was organised and sold by the Women’s Cooperative Guild, typically working-class women who had lost multiple family members to the Great War and sought to exercise their newly…Continue Reading The Symbolism of the White Poppy in Britain

History in the News

Dr Sarah Crook writes: History students on HIH284 Disunited Kingdom? Class, Race, Gender and Social Division in 20th Century Britain, an optional second year module, have – as well as lectures and seminars – a weekly ‘workshop’ session. Each week these workshops challenge the students to develop new skills and to put their skills as…Continue Reading History in the News

Reflections on Postgraduate Study at Swansea

Deciding to study postgraduate history at Swansea was one of the best decisions I ever made. From the variety of modules on offer to the guidance and support of the staff to the number of resources available, studying history at Swansea University was as enriching as it was rewarding. Following the completion of my undergraduate…Continue Reading Reflections on Postgraduate Study at Swansea

What should we do about statues? A reflective blog post on writing, recording and publishing a podcast

The following is the second in our series of guest blog posts from History students exploring their experiences of creative assessment as part of their degrees. Hywel Squires is a Swansea University history graduate with an interest in heritage and museology Anyone who has spent more than five minutes in my company will be aware…Continue Reading What should we do about statues? A reflective blog post on writing, recording and publishing a podcast

Romanticising Rebecca: Reinterpreting the Mid-Nineteenth Century Revolts of Mid and South-West Wales

The nineteenth century was a time of significant change across rural Wales. Plagued with socio-political unrest, a series of factors laid the foundations for a series of uprisings known as the Rebecca Riots. The upper classes controlled all government and local parliaments, allowing for oppressive laws to be introduced and passed without resistance. The Turnpike…Continue Reading Romanticising Rebecca: Reinterpreting the Mid-Nineteenth Century Revolts of Mid and South-West Wales