
Reflections on Studying the Past – Meddyliau ar Astudio’r Gorffennol

Researching the History and Heritage of Wales’s Small-Scale Fishing Industry

Katherine Watson – Wales has a long history of fishing. In South Wales this is clearer than anywhere else. Tenby was among the earliest and most noteworthy Welsh fishing ports in the 18th century. By the 19th century, Milford Haven, Swansea, and Cardiff were emerging as the largest trawling ports in Wales, with Milford becoming…Continue Reading Researching the History and Heritage of Wales’s Small-Scale Fishing Industry

“We’ll All Be Museum Miners”. Oral Histories and the Heritage of Coal Mining in the Ruhr

Department of History, Heritage and Classics History Research Seminar 16 March 2022 1pm-2.30pm “We’ll all be museum miners”. Oral histories and the heritage of coal mining in the Ruhr Talk by Stefan Moitra and Katarzyna Noguiera (Bochum, Germany) In December 2018, the closure of the last remaining German hard coal mine, the Prosper-Haniel colliery in…Continue Reading “We’ll All Be Museum Miners”. Oral Histories and the Heritage of Coal Mining in the Ruhr

Bringing History and Heritage Alive for/with Young People

Department of History, Heritage and Classics History Research Seminars Wednesday, 24 November 2021 1.15pm Bringing History and Heritage Alive for/with Young People Dr Tracy Breathnach, Research Officer, Department of History, Heritage and Classics, Swansea University In this seminar Dr Tracy Breathnach discusses the co-productive methodology she uses to engage young people and children with history…Continue Reading Bringing History and Heritage Alive for/with Young People

Toxic Heritage: Post-Industrial Sites and the Unspoken Stories of Environmental Harm

Department of History, Heritage and Classics. History Research Seminar. Sponsored by CHART / DePOT. Wednesday, 17 November 2021 1.15pm Elizabeth Kryder-Reid, Professor of Anthropology and Museum Studies, Indiana University School of Liberal Arts (IUPUI) Focusing on heritage sites in the US and UK, this talk examines the public memory of environmental harm, particularly in post-industrial…Continue Reading Toxic Heritage: Post-Industrial Sites and the Unspoken Stories of Environmental Harm

Creative Copperworks Walk **CANCELLED**

** Unfortunately, due to very poor weather conditions forecast for tomorrow Saturday 2nd October, our Community event has been cancelled. We hope to rearrange something for next Spring.** Please join us for a creative and activity-filled morning at the Hafod-Morfa Copperworks on Saturday 2nd October 10am-1pm. We are working in partnership with People Speak Up and a…Continue Reading Creative Copperworks Walk **CANCELLED**

Get involved in CHART (Centre for Heritage Research and Training)

CHART is the new centre for heritage research and training at Swansea University, based in the Department of History, Heritage and Classics. CHART brings people with enthusiasm, ideas, and expertise together to create opportunities within and beyond the university. With projects ranging from global cultural protection to Jewish heritage, and the Welsh steel industry, CHART…Continue Reading Get involved in CHART (Centre for Heritage Research and Training)

Identifying and Mapping the Heritage of Britain’s Steel Industry

Dr Gemma Almond writes: The Social Worlds of Steel project, which has been running since May 2019, has unearthed important new evidence of the impact of the steel industry on towns and cities in twentieth-century Britain. In the current phase of the project we are exploring how the heritage of the industry is represented to,…Continue Reading Identifying and Mapping the Heritage of Britain’s Steel Industry