
Reflections on Studying the Past – Meddyliau ar Astudio’r Gorffennol

History Research Seminars

With the exception of the CRAM annual lecture, all seminars take place on Wednesdays from 1pm to 2.30 pm. Zoom link for all sessions: https://swanseauniversity.zoom.us/j/94506346306?pwd=NkRWNUprdkVvRWNSVW1HbG12NXVCdz09  (Meeting ID: 945 0634 6306. Passcode: 525374) Everyone is welcome to attend but queries and questions can be sent to: m.johnes@swansea.ac.uk 26 January 2022: CRAM annual lecture: Patricia Owens (Oxford),…Continue Reading History Research Seminars

Beer and Christmas Cheer in a South Wales Steel Town

Christmas 1935 was a happier-than-usual one in Ebbw Vale. The steel firm of Richard Thomas & Company had just taken over the previously dormant premises of the Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Company in the town, re-starting production and bringing hope of an end to the unemployment and poverty of the depression years. One…Continue Reading Beer and Christmas Cheer in a South Wales Steel Town

The Last Welsh Princess of Wales

Online Research seminar: Wed 8 December 1.15pm Dr Rhea Seren Phillip This paper will discuss identity, memory and uses of the past, along with global interactions and connections which have a Welsh association. The primary focus of the paper will be the history of Princess Gwenllian ferch Llywelyn and her rebellious familial ties. However, I…Continue Reading The Last Welsh Princess of Wales

Bringing History and Heritage Alive for/with Young People

Department of History, Heritage and Classics History Research Seminars Wednesday, 24 November 2021 1.15pm Bringing History and Heritage Alive for/with Young People Dr Tracy Breathnach, Research Officer, Department of History, Heritage and Classics, Swansea University In this seminar Dr Tracy Breathnach discusses the co-productive methodology she uses to engage young people and children with history…Continue Reading Bringing History and Heritage Alive for/with Young People

Putting Swansea and the Mumbles on the Map

What did the city of Swansea look like before the twentieth century? How has the past shaped the present outlines of the city streets and buildings? What traces are left of Swansea’s medieval and industrial history? A team of historians and academics are aiming to answer these questions by producing a map of early Swansea…Continue Reading Putting Swansea and the Mumbles on the Map

The Symbolism of the White Poppy in Britain

The interwar period brought a wave of cultural change, and the white peace poppy was a fringe commemorative symbol that exemplified these changes. The white peace poppy was organised and sold by the Women’s Cooperative Guild, typically working-class women who had lost multiple family members to the Great War and sought to exercise their newly…Continue Reading The Symbolism of the White Poppy in Britain

History in the News

Dr Sarah Crook writes: History students on HIH284 Disunited Kingdom? Class, Race, Gender and Social Division in 20th Century Britain, an optional second year module, have – as well as lectures and seminars – a weekly ‘workshop’ session. Each week these workshops challenge the students to develop new skills and to put their skills as…Continue Reading History in the News

Swansea Ancient World Online Seminars 2021-22: Facing Power

We have again chosen a broad topic which speakers can approach from all angles: This year, it is ‘Facing Power’ – inviting questions about interactions with power and the powerful, and how they are regulated, channelled, communicated and performed. We acknowledge that ‘power’ can be understood in many different ways, and our speakers are offering…Continue Reading Swansea Ancient World Online Seminars 2021-22: Facing Power

Toxic Heritage: Post-Industrial Sites and the Unspoken Stories of Environmental Harm

Department of History, Heritage and Classics. History Research Seminar. Sponsored by CHART / DePOT. Wednesday, 17 November 2021 1.15pm Elizabeth Kryder-Reid, Professor of Anthropology and Museum Studies, Indiana University School of Liberal Arts (IUPUI) Focusing on heritage sites in the US and UK, this talk examines the public memory of environmental harm, particularly in post-industrial…Continue Reading Toxic Heritage: Post-Industrial Sites and the Unspoken Stories of Environmental Harm

History Research Seminars

Department of History, Heritage and Classics All events begin at 1.15pm and take place online October to December 2021 Wednesday, 13 October 2021 – Eugene Miakinkov (Swansea), ‘War and Enlightenment and 18th Century Russia’ (CRAM). Wednesday, 27 October 2021 – Simon John (Swansea), ‘Monument and Memory: Godfrey of Bouillon, Historical Culture and Nationhood in Belgium,…Continue Reading History Research Seminars